Tuesday 2 February 2010

Electric Atmosphere and Teaching Theories

Just a quick post tonight, I'm over the moon that I finally have another Blackberry on my insurance!

This morning we had our 2nd science lesson where we had a play around with bulbs, motors, buzzers, batteries and crocodile clips! It was basically back to year 6 circuit making.

This meant seeing if different ways or connecting things meant that the bulbs were brighter/motors spun a different way etc. We also were given a nice Science audit to complete (similar to the maths and English one), and after looking through it on the train I also have a lot to brush up on in Science!

We briefly talked about Lewis Latimer, a black inventor who was the chief rival to Edison who invented the lightbulb. Here is the QCA Standards for Science as well.

Professional Studies in the afternoon, I managed to finish the reading on the train but not add to my notes! Obviously the Teaching theories will be key to getting a masters so I've noted this chapter in the EIC book as particularly noteworthy.

The main things that came out of this workshop was the a video where a 2yr old child was completing a large piece puzzle. We were asked if we should dive in and help at points and guess what, I couldn't stand more than 30 seconds of it!! So I put my hand up and said that he should find the corners first etc... Of course forgetting he wasn't an adult. I also found out that I was a dominantly right sided thinker which means this (have a go yourself with the spinning girl!).

Day off tomorrow which means catching up on tons of reading (and its only the 4th week!). I'll see if I have anything to write tomorrow!

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